Home » Second South-West International Plantain Banana Festival 2023 from 30th November to the 02nd December 2023 in Limbé, Buea and Bangem

Second South-West International Plantain Banana Festival 2023 from 30th November to the 02nd December 2023 in Limbé, Buea and Bangem

by Atlantic Chronicles


Placed under the Very High Patronage of the President of the Republic H.E. Paul BIYA, and under the effective Presidency of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Doctor Joseph DION NGUTE, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, the second edition of the International Banana-Plantain Festival South-West 2023, which is in line with the objectives of the National Development Strategy SND30, kicks off its activities with a bang in Douala on 26 November with an unprecedented Show by the former Indomitable Lions led by Samuel ETOO FILS and the Nigerian Supers Eagels led by Jay-Jay OKOCHA on the 28th and 29th November. The Festival, organised by the BPSC under the leadership of Samuel TONY OBAM BIKOUE, the National President, with the institutional support of the South West Regional Assembly under the leadership of Executive President ZACCHEUS ELANGO BAKOMA and the President of the House of Chiefs, Chief ATEM EBAKO, will culminate on the 30th November with the opening ceremony of the Festival’s Investors’ Village and the Cameroon-Nigeria Gala Match.”Remake of the AFCON 2000 final, chaired by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, at Limbé Stadium

The “Banana-Festival” summit will see the signing of more than 10 investment agreements on the 1st of December at the Mountain Hotel in Buea, totalling more than 70 billion CFA francs for over 05 years in the banana-plantain value chains in the South-West Region, an international symposium on the opportunities of the banana-plantain value chains at the University of Buea, and an inimitable banana-plantain exhibition and sales fair in Bangem on the 2nd of  December; and an unmissable Banana-Plantain Exhibition and Sales Fair, in addition to the birth of the first agri-farm in Bangem on the 02nd of December.

The President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA himself, has agreed to place the second edition of the International Banana-Plantain Festival under his Very High Patronage; and the Prime Minister, Head of Government Chief Doctor Joseph DION NGUTÉ, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, will preside over this International Banana-Plantain Fruit Festival; an event sponsored since the first edition by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel MBAÏROBÉ.

This International Festival, founded by the National President of the Association of Actors of the  Banana-Plantain Sector, the young Captain of Agricultural Industries, Knight of Cameroonian Agricultural Merit and Ambassador of Youth Connect Samuel Tony Obam Bikoué, beyond its festive aspect, where we will relive the best memories of the confrontations between Samuel Eto’o and Jay-Jay Okocha, this Festival is of major economic, social and tourist importance for Cameroon.

In the National Development Strategy SND30 defined by President Paul BIYA, Banana-Plantain is one of the Priority Growth Sectors, and the Government’s objective is to achieve 10 million tonnes of annual production. The National President of the BPSC, Tony Obam, has added the following cardinal objectives to this objective of sovereignty: ensuring competitiveness through the banking of all the value chains in the sector, i.e. nurserymen, diet producers, processors and marketers; the corollary of this competitiveness is the expansion of the Import-Substitution system, so that products derived from the banana-plantain sector have the same price as imported products such as wheat flour, biscuits, baby food, wicks, whiskies, red wine, etc. The other objective is to professionalise the sector.  The National President of the Banana-Plantain Sector intends to make this priority fruit for growth a matter of national conscience, in the same way that the emergence of the country has been made a “national cause” by the Head of State.

The Banana-Plantain industry has been on the rise for the past two (02) years as a result of the post-Covid19 crisis and the Russo-Ukranian conflict, under the aegis of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Gabriel MBAÏROBE, the whole of the Government, and with the technical and financial support of powerful international investors. Banana-plantain should enable Cameroon not only to guarantee its food self-sufficiency, but also to seize the economic opportunities created by these two global crises. To achieve the major objectives of the NDS30, the National President of the BPSC has introduced the innovative concepts of “Agri-Business”, “Precision Agriculture” and “Recruitment of new players in the Sector”. The BPSC has set up a solid ecosystem framed by an International Reference Incubation Centre for Agri-Business and Precision Agriculture in Kribi, where the Prefect of the Ocean, Mr NOUHOU BELLO, watches over this jewel of the “Agricultural Revolution”, the temple of agropastoral incubation in Central Africa; Credit Institutions such as Unics Plc Bank, Insurers such as Onyx Assurance, Fertile Ground are part of the BPSC Ecosystem which leads to Financing Windows ranging from 10 million CFA francs to 250 million CFA francs after incubation. This financing consists of repayable loans from the 22 billion ADB-financed Credit Facilitation Fund for the Development of Agricultural Value Chains and the 200 billion State Portfolio Guarantee Fund for Agricultural SMEs.


The Investors’ Festival


In addition to the funds made available by the Cameroonian government through the Minister of Finance, Louis Paul MOTAZE, the FBPC is also raising funds internationally and nationally with major investors such as the American firm Fertile Ground, headed by CEO Bill Cannon, the “Top Sponsor” of the International Banana-Plantain Festival.

After the success of the festival in the Southern Region, having realised that plantain is a cross-cutting crop, and in order to anticipate any administrative red tape in the Southern Region, not only did the National President of the BPSC involve the highest levels of government, but investment agreements in the South-West Region were also signed in the presence of 07 sectoral ministries, meaning that the young captain of the agricultural industry, Tony Obam, is in a hurry to invest at the speed of light.  Here are just a few examples of these agreements, which will generate billions, ensure the competitiveness of the sector, increase banana-plantain exports to Nigeria and serve as a basis for the development of the region’s agricultural sector. to the import-substitution policy instituted by the Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA:

The agreement with the Port Autonome de Douala, which manages the Port of Limbé, will enable the port company, which is expertly managed by CEO Cyrus Ngo’o, to fulfil its social responsibility by financing the incubation of young students and local residents in the South-West and Littoral, as well as facilitating the export of banana plantain and its derivatives, and importing inputs, fertilisers and agricultural machinery from the Port Autonome de Douala to reduce the arduous nature of the work. In this way, the Port of Douala and the Banana-Plantain Sector are putting themselves at the heart of the fight against youth unemployment and underemployment, while creating the conditions to ensure that, by 2030, fresh Banana-Plantain will be Cameroon’s leading export product from the Port of Douala.


The agreement with DFARMA, a global company, is aimed at the international marketing of processed plantain bananas.

The agreement with EXOTIC GROUP of the USA is invaluable in the search for international funding to sponsor Value Chains.

The Turks from CAMAGRI LTD have signed a contract for the construction of a multi-purpose packaging unit for banana and plantain products in the south-west of the country. Yes! the products of Cameroonian players will also be packaged like WHITE products! CAMAGRI LTD will also be supplying multi-tasking agricultural drones for spraying herbicides, a monitoring system for large farms, small processing units with warehouses, and solar energy.

FERTILE GROUND – CERES will be there to popularise and make accessible irrigation over vast areas and greenhouse cultivation, an essential tool for nurserymen to produce high-productivity banana-Plantain plants in industrial quantities.

Thanks to the American company WALMART, Cameroonian plantain bananas will be distributed in supermarkets all over the world, because WALMART, with whom the FBPC will sign agreements in Buea, is the world leader in distribution.

DAGRO AGRICULTURAL MACHINES will come from Turkey to set up an industrial assembly unit for agricultural machinery and all kinds of equipment for opening up agricultural tracks in the South-West for the sub-regional market.

In a nutshell, the BPSC and its partners will be signing around ten agreements to encourage the transfer of technology over the long term, including agreements with national governments such as the Observatoire Nationale de la Jeunesse (ONJ – National Youth Observatory) to promote the biometric youth card, with all its advantages, and funding for young people aged 18 to 35 in the South-West Region, with a view to intensifying President Paul BIYA’s commitment to setting up agri-businesses.

Cameroon Customs, like FECAFOOT, will also be signing an agreement with the BPSC, an agreement rich in advantages for the successful retraining of retired customs officers in the banana-plantain sector. More importantly, Customs is committed to facilitating export and import procedures for those involved, and to training them in good customs practices so that Cameroon bananas can flood the world.

The latest agreement, of the utmost importance and with repercussions in the tens of billions, will be signed in Bangem. This is a tripartite agreement between FBPC, FERTILE GROUND and the Bangem town council, to set up a special Banana-Plantain Value Chain AGRI-FARM to eradicate post-harvest losses.

The 70 billion CFA francs targeted by National President Tony Obam at the South-West Festival are not just a figment of his imagination. It is a concrete reality.


Douala: The Festival before the Festival

The South-West 2023 International Banana-Plantain Festival is a major economic, cultural and tourist event. Without taking into account the millions of television viewers who will be watching the event over 06 days on all CRTV channels, an estimated 350,000 Cameroonians will be taking part in at least one of the activities of this 2nd edition. That’s why Douala, Cameroon’s economic capital, has been chosen as the logistical base for the 28 nationalities expected in the South West. Investors from Turkey, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, France, Israel, Spain, the United Kingdom, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Côte d’Ivoire, who are the most numerous, will be welcomed in Douala. The Supers Eagels and the strong Nigerian delegation will set foot on Cameroonian soil in Douala. They will be welcomed by thousands of their compatriots, proof of Cameroon’s hospitality; the Yabassi camp in Douala will be abuzz with excitement, because Cameroon and Nigeria are first and foremost twin brothers whose destinies are linked and who all eat banana and plantain with appetite. The Indomitable Lions of the Diaspora will be landing in Douala. And it is in Douala that the National President will hold meetings with the leaders of the Nigerian community in Cameroon.

The National President of the BPSC is therefore setting up a Task-Force in Douala on 26 November, responsible for the specific activities of the Banana-Plantain Festival.

In Douala, while investors will be meeting with certain business circles from 26 to 29 November, Nigeria’s Supers Eagels and Cameroon’s Indomitable Lions will be putting on a show. The highlight will be the eponymous city’s Port Autonome. Here, CEO Cyrus NGO’O and focal point Technical Adviser Bertrand Ferdinand OWONA NDI will roll out the red carpet for the big stars of Nigerian and Cameroonian football: pre-match press conference, company visit, meetings with the highest authorities in the Littoral region, traditional chiefs and mayors. With the support of major Nigerian investors, the Supers Eagels of Jay-Jay OKOCHA and Peter RUFAI will be carrying out charity and social activities in Douala, and will be holding a training session open to the public and the media at the Bépanda omnisport annex stadium.

The Indomitable Lions, led by pan-Africanist patriot Samuel Eto’o, will set up their base camp in Limbé and hold a training session open to the public and media at the Limbé stadium annex.


For the National President of the FBPC, the vision is to export thousands of tonnes of Cameroonian plantain bananas to Nigeria for sale to Nigeria’s 300 million potential consumers. The aim is also to earn Cameroon foreign currency for Nigeria, which does not use the CFA franc. It should be remembered that the young Captain of Agricultural Industries, Samuel Tony OBAM BIKOUE, has linked the BPSC with the Nigerian AFTEL Group of former President OLESEGUN OBASANJO for the financing of players in the Value Chain. Some former Supers Eagles are among them.

After Douala, we’ll be seeing these stars again at the “Match de Gueule” at Limbé Stadium and, of course, at the Soirées de fraternité organised by the South-West Regional Assembly and the BPSC, co-organisers of the second edition of the Fête Internationale de la Banane-Plantain.

This is an opportunity to express the great gratitude of the BPSC and, surely, of the entire Cameroonian Government, for the titanic and gargantuan work carried out by President ZACCHEUS BAKOMA ELANGO and Chief ATEM EBAKO throughout the year to ensure the expected success of the Banana-Fiesta.


The Celebration of Stars

Having perceived the relevance of this project, the State Stars and Football Stars have decided to associate their image and their precious names with the full success of this Festival. The Star of the Stars, President Paul BIYA, has consequently decided that the Festival should be under his Very High Patronage; this is a Great Opportunity offered by Cameroon’s First Farmer in his process of rebuilding the beautiful South-West Region.

The Gold Star: the Prime Minister Head of Government Chief Doctor Joseph DION NGUTÉ has decided to personally preside over the Rendezvous on behalf of the Head of State in Limbé, Buéa and Banguem.  The PM presided over important working sessions at the seat of Government to ensure that this event took place under the best possible conditions. To this end, Chief Doctor Joseph DION NGUTÉ has set up a unit to monitor this major activity. The Prime Minister’s Special Adviser No 2, Minister Chief Dr BLESSED OKOLE NDOPKWE, is coordinating this monitoring unit.

The great Star, factotum and secular arm of President Paul BIYA to implement second-generation agriculture, MINADER Gabriel MBAÏROBE, since the 1st edition of Ebolowa-Mvangan 2022, has spent a whole year supervising all the stakeholders in this festival. The focal point for the International Banana-Plantain Festival at MINADER, Engineer General Simon Alain MESSI, Director of DOPA, is keeping a close eye on the success of this major fair, reporting to MINADER minute by minute.

Tribute to His Excellency the Governor of the South-West region Bernard OKALIA BILAI, President Paul BIYA’s great star for maintaining order and security in the South-West, for his committed involvement in the administrative and security framework throughout the year until the end.

Cameroon’s audio-visual star, CRTV Director General Charles NDONGO, has adopted a vast media promotion programme for the event, which will culminate in live broadcasting of the festival opening ceremony and the Gala match at Limbé Stadium for 4 hours by CRTV, CRTV Sport and CRTV News. CRTV is truly “at the heart of the Nation” through the Banane-Plantain.

World football superstar Samuel Eto’o made it clear: “I’m going to play! Alongside Roger Milla and all the Indomitable Lions who have written the finest pages of Cameroonian football. President Samuel Eto’o Fils is not just going to play.

On the evening of 02 December 2023, when he will witness the handover from the South-West to the Region hosting the third edition,

the Diamond star of the Banana-Plantain Sector Tony OBAM, will be able to say to himself: “I have supported President Paul Biya’s message in the best possible way, that banana plantain should become an issue of national awareness; as he has never ceased to hammer home, “let’s consume what we produce and consume what we produce”: banana plantain is resolutely at the service of the SND30.


The Director of Communication and Sovereignty Activities of the FBPC,

Siméon AVA,

Senior Journalist

Tel: 677 24 62 50 / 699 81 58 18








DOUALA STAGE 26, 27, 28, 29 November 2023




09:00 : Arrival of the National President of the BPSC and his entourage

Installation at the KRYSTAL Palace Hotel


14h00 : Installation of the members of the Task Force for the Coordination of Specific Operations in Douala, Limbe, Buea and Banguem at the SAWA Hotel




09h00-19h00 : Hearings and strategic meetings of the BPSC National President with the Administrative Authorities, the Littoral Regional Council, the Mayors, the General Managers, the Leaders of the Nigerian Community of Douala.




16h30 : Arrival of the former Nigeria Supers Eagles at Douala International Airport by Air Peace flight

  • Welcome by the National President of the BPSC, the Captain of Agricultural Industries Samuel Tony OBAM BIKOUE, the Executive President of the South West Regional Assembly ZACCHEUS BAKOMA ELANGO, the President of the House of Chiefs Chief ATEM EBAKO and the President of the Littoral Regional Council BANLOG POLYCAPE.
  • Check-in at the Douala International Airport Pavilion of Honour
  • Departure for the Port Autonome de Douala


17:00: Arrival of the Nigerian Delegation and the Former Indomitable Lions at the Port Autonome de Douala (PAD)

  • Reception of the Nigerian Supers Eagles and the former Indomitable Lions by the Governor of the Littoral Region, the Administrative Authorities, the President of the Littoral Regional Council, the Managing Director of the PAD and the SAWA Traditional Chiefs at the headquarters of the Littoral Regional Council
  • Visit to the PAD
  • Press conference given by the FBPC, the former Indomitable Lions led by Samuel ETO’O Fils and the Supers Eagles led by Jay-Jay OKOCHA at Club PAD.


19H00 : Installation of the former Supers Eagles at the SAWA Hotel


20:00: Gala dinner hosted by PAD CEO Cyrus NGOO in honour of the former Supers Eagles and former Indomitable Lions in the presence of Douala’s administrative, economic, traditional, sporting and political authorities (at the invitation of the PAD).




At LIMBE base camp of the former Indomitable Lions led by Samuel ETOO


07h00: Departure of the former Indomitable Lions from Douala to Limbe


8h30 : Welcome in Limbe of the former Indomitable Lions by the Executive President of the South-West Regional Assembly, the President of the House of Chiefs, the Administrative and Communal Authorities, the Association of former footballers of the South-West.


On the proposal of the South-West Regional Assembly, city tour, company visits and social actions by the former Indomitable Lions in the city of Limbe

Installation of the former Indomitable Lions at the FINI Hôtel in Limbe


15h00 : Training open to the public and the media of the former Indomitable Lions under the leadership of Samuel ETOO Fils at the Limbe Stadium annex.


19h30 : Dinner offered to the Former Indomitable Lions in Buea in the presence of the Administrative Authorities, the Executive President of the South West Regional Assembly, the President of the House of Chiefs and special guests at the FINI Hotel in Limbe.


DOUALA base camp of the former Supers Eagles led by Jay-Jay OKOCHA


10:00-12:00: Training open to the public and the media by the former Super Eagles led by Jay-Jay OKOCHA at the Bepanda Omnisports Annexe Stadium


14h00 : On the proposal of the Littoral Regional Council, city tour, company visits and social actions by the Supers Eagles in the city of Douala


19h30 : Dinner offered by UNICS PLc FINANCES to the former Supers Eagles in Douala, in the presence of the administrative, communal, religious, political and economic authorities of the Littoral Region.




07h00: Departure of the Nigerian delegation from Douala for the South-West Limbe Region


09h00: Installation of the Nigerian delegation at the FINI Hotel in Limbe

12h00 : Welcome of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other Members of Government at the MOUNGO Bridge by the Governor of the South-West Region, the Executive Chairman of the South-West Regional Assembly, the Chairman of the House of Chiefs, the National Chairman of the BPSC, the constituted bodies, the living forces and the dance groups.


12:15 pm: Departure for the FINI Hôtel in Limbe


13h00 : Installation of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and his entourage at the FINI Hotel in Limbe


14h00 : Arrival of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other members of the Government at the “Banana-Plantain Festival Investors’ Village” located on the outskirts of Limbe Stadium

  • Opening ceremony of the Banana-Plantain Festival
  • Cutting of the symbolic ribbon of the “Banana-Plantain Festival Investors’ Village
  • Welcome address by the Mayor of Limbé
  • Speech by the Executive President of the South-West Regional Assembly
  • Speech by the Official Sponsor (Fertile Ground) of the International Banana-Plantain Festival
  • Speech by the National President of the National Association of Stakeholders in the Banana-Plantain Sector of Cameroon (BPSC)
  • Opening speech by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Personal Representative of the President of Republic Cameroon.
  • Cutting of the symbolic ribbon of the “Plantain Banana Festival Investors’ Village”;
  • Visit to the stands;
  • Family photos and interviews.


15:00 : Prime Minister, Head of Government, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other Members of Government enter Limbe Stadium

Installation in the presidential tribune


15h15 : National Anthem of Cameroon and National Anthem of Nigeria


15h25 : Kick-off of the match given by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr. Joseph DION NGUTE, personal representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, between the former Indomitable Lions generation 2000 captained by Samuel ETOO and the former Super Eagles of Nigeria captained by Jay Jay OKOCHA, broadcast live on CRTV.


16:15: Half-time of the match between the former Indomitable Lions and the former Super Eagles


  • Signing of an agreement in the VIP box at Limbe Stadium between the Port Autonome de Douala, represented by its Managing Director, Cyrus NGOO, and the Cameroon Plantain Banana Sector, represented by its National President, Captain of Agricultural Industries Samuel Tony OBAM BIKOUE.

The purpose of this agreement is, to incubate and finance young students from the Universities of Buea and Douala, people living near the PAD’s areas of influence and PAD employees in the Banana-Plantain Value Chain on one hand; and on the other hand export of fresh Banana-Plantain, its derived products and the import of inputs, materials, machines and agricultural equipment necessary to the actors of the BPSC for good yields and the improvement of their living conditions from the Autonomous Port of Douala.

  • A word from the BPSC National President
  • A word from the Director General of the Port Autonome de Douala
  • Family photos and interviews


4.45pm: 2nd half of the gala match between the former Indomitable Lions and the former Supers Eagles



Departure of the Prime Minister, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other Members of Government for the FINI Hotel


19h00 : Official dinner in the presence of the Prime Minister, Head of Government Personal Representative of the President of the Republic Head of State, other Members of Government, the Director General of the Autonomous Port of Douala, the delegation of former Indomitable Lions and former Supers Eagles at the FINI Hôtel in Limbe by INVITATION.


22h00: Gala Evening “Election Miss Banane-Plantain 2023-2024″ at BLACK & WHITE in Limbe







07h30: Transfer of the former Supers Eagles and former Indomitable Lions to the MOUNTAIN Hotel in Buea



8:00 : Departure of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, from Limbé to Buea


9h30 : Arrival in Buea/ Welcome and installation at the MOUNTAIN Hotel


10:00 : Courtesy visit by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic Head of State, with former LIONS and former SUPERS EAGLES, to His Majesty Chief Dr. ROBERT ESUKA ENDELY ” NALIOMO “, 1st Class Chief, Paramount Chief of Buea at the MOKUNDA PALACE


10:45 : Return of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to the MOUNTAIN Hotel


11:00 : Ceremony to sign agreements with investors to improve the competitiveness of the plantain value chain in the South-West Region and the living conditions of farmers at the MOUNTAIN Hôtel in Buea in the presence of former Supers Eagles and former Indomitable Lions.

  • Welcome by the Mayor of Buea
  • Speech by the representative of the elite of the South West region
  • Speech by the Executive Chairman of the South West Regional Assembly
  • Signing of the BPSC-DFARMA (Nigeria-South Africa-Kenya-Canada) agreement for the international marketing of fresh Banana-Plantain produced in Cameroon and its by-products
  • Signing of the FPBC-EXOTIC GROUP (USA) Agreements to seek international financing for the development of the Banana-Plantain Value Chain in Cameroon and the construction of social housing in rural areas in the South-West Region.
  • Signing of the FBPC-DOUANES (Cameroon) Conventions for, on the one hand, the incorporation and financing of customs personnel and their pensioners in the plantain banana Value Chain and, on the other hand, to improve customs procedures for the export of fresh plantain banana and its by-products and the import of agricultural inputs, materials, machinery and equipment necessary for FBPC players to achieve good yields and improve their living conditions.
  • Signing of the FBPC-FERTILE GROUND-CERES (USA) agreement for the extension and use of greenhouses for nurserymen and producers. Signing of the FBPC-FERTILE GROUND (USA) agreement for soil analysis and the provision of irrigation equipment to players in the plantain banana sector in Cameroon and the marketing of fresh plantain bananas in the supermarkets of the American supermarket chain WALMART.
  • Signing of the FBPC-CAMAGRI LTD (Turkey) agreement for the supply of equipment, inputs, tractors, agricultural machinery and equipment to reduce drudgery, solar energy and the construction of social housing in rural areas in the South-West region.
  • A word from the signatories



-D.G DOUANES Cameroun




-National Chairman BPSC

  • Family photo and interviews
  • Meal

15h00 : Arrival of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, personal representative of the President of the Republic Head of State, other Members of Government, former Indomitable Lions and former Supers Eagles at the University of Buea for the Symposium at the University of Buea on entrepreneurship in the Banana-Plantain Value Chain as a solution to underemployment and youth unemployment;

  • Welcome by the Rector of the University of Buea

Installation in Amphi 750 of the University of Buea

  • Speech by the Rector of the University of Buea
  • Word from the representative of the students of the University of Buea

Presentation No. 1: The concept of “agricultural value chains” and support opportunities available to MINADER by the PD_CVA/PNDCF (15mn)

Presentation N°2 : Niche opportunities offered by SND 30 through agricultural entrepreneurship by DOPA (15mn)

Presentation 3 : The Banana-Plantain sector, a solution to unemployment. The case of the reconversion of former Indomitable Lions. Lucien METTOMO, former Indomitable Lion, player, shares his experience.

Presentation N°4 : Coaching by Orange Cameroun on entrepreneurial opportunities for young graduates (15mn)

Presentation N°5 : Coaching by the Autonomous Port of Douala on entrepreneurial opportunities for young graduates (15mn)

Presentation N°6 : Economic potential of Nigeria in the Banana-Plantain Value Chain by the BPSC (15mn)

Discussions between young people and members of the government

  • Family photos and interviews
  • Visit to the exhibition stands at the University of Buea


18h00 : Return of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other Members of Government to the Mountain Hotel


19h00 : Official dinner in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic Head of State and the Delegation of Former Indomitable Lions and Former Supers Eagles at the MOUNTAIN Hôtel


22h00 : Dance party with artists to celebrate the Cameroon-Nigeria economic fraternity at the NETWORK LOUNGE in Buea with the former Indomitable Lions and former Supers Eagles.




06h00 : Departure of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, personal representative of the President of the Republic Head of State and other Members of the Government for Bangem with the former Indomitable Lions and the former Supers Eagles.


10.10am: Breakfast at the SDO’s residence


11:00 am: Arrival at Paul BIYA Stadium

  • Start of the closing ceremony of the 2nd International Banana-Plantain Festival and handover to the host region
  • Family photos and interviews;
  • Visit to the exhibition stands in the Banana-Plantain Village;

Meal offered to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and other Members of the Government at DANS COUNCIL HALL in Banguem;


15h00 : Departure of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic Head of State, and other Members of Government and Former Indomitable Lions for Douala.


20h00 : Arrival in Douala and installation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Personal Representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State.




06h00 : Departure from the MOUNTAIN Hotel in Buea


08:00 : Arrival in Douala and check-in at SAWA Hotel


10:00-13:00: Tourist relaxation activities organised by UNICS Finance PLC


14h30 : Departure from SAWA Hôtel to Douala International Airport under the supervision of the Conseil Régional du Littoral


15h00 : Check-in at Douala International Airport


17:10 : Nigerian Delegation takes off on Air Peace flight




11h00 : Return to Yaounde of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, personal representative of the President of the Republic, Head of State, and his delegation


For the BPSC,

The Director of Communication and Sovereignty Activities of the BPSC

Siméon AVA

Senior Journalist,

OPJ with Special Skills

Tel: 677 24 62 50 /699 81 58 18

620 76 92 39

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