Home » City Of Grace Ministries International Braces To Celebrate 1st Anniversary In Style

City Of Grace Ministries International Braces To Celebrate 1st Anniversary In Style

by Atlantic Chronicles

City of Grace Ministries International, CGM has unveiled a programme to commemorate its first anniversary as a religious body. CGM says they have realised great feats in one year that warrant them to celebrate the recorded successes and their growth.

In a press conference hosted at CGM’s permanent structure in Bomaka-Buea, the Vision Bearer of CGM, Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor, alongside other church stakeholders told journalists that in one year, they established a fully functional Ministry which started first from the Army Barracks in Buea, moved to Bonduma, and now is housed at its own structure at Kawa Street, Quarter 3, Bomaka – Buea.

Presenting the Church which she heads alongside other pastors, Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor said they now count 350 onsite active worshippers and a plethora of hundreds of others who join in live-streamed church services. There are also prayer cells in Tiko and Buea. She said CGM’s new permanent structure has a capacity of 600, and that the space would be developed further. She said by the grace of God, they got the plot for their church at Kawa Street Bomaka–Buea, without having to pay for it. She said they have so far carried out their projects without incurring any debt.

Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor said their first anniversary will be themed around preparing God’s people for the return of Christ.

The testimony bench of CGM said in a short while, CGM has been able to procure equipment, move from two temporary places to a permanent structure, seen an increase in membership from 6 to over hundreds, which has made them seek locations that can accommodate Christians.

The testimony bench said on the humanitarian front, they have carried out outreach projects that have seen them donate to IDPs, and widows, as well as paid school fees of needy children.

Asked how she came about starting a church, Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor said she had no dreams of starting a church, until God called her through personal conviction. On how she has been able to grow her Ministry to such a tremendous feat of having a structure and the number of Christians, Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor said she learnt from the strength of her spiritual Godfather, as well as from his shortcomings. She said what has driven her church to such growth, is her focus on the gospel of Christ, which she says has attracted many to CGM. On how funds to finance their many projects are secured, she said they receive freewill donations from members and people whose lives have been impacted by the church.

Derrick Essembe who is in charge of the Church’s Diaspora branch told journalists that they have in place several ways of attracting youths to the church, keeping them engaged and also making sure that those who can’t make it to the church physically join their services through livestream and prayer request lines.


Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor and stakeholders speaking to the press at the pre-anniversary press conference

Asked whether she faces any challenges as a woman leading a church with men under her leadership, Prophetess Assah-Nguh Eleanor said she believes in egalitarianism, which says that it is okay for a woman to be a leader in an institution where there are men, because, to God, all are the same. She cited biblical stories of strong women who have led the people of God spiritually and even on battlefronts. She said at CGM, the male pastors accord her the respect of a leader while on her part, she is conscious that she is the leader of God’s people, a wife, and a judge because she also settles disputes among Christians.


Programme for Celebration of CGM First Anniversary


Day One (Saturday, May 18, 2024)

12:00 noon: General cleaning of the church environment by all members of CGM, 3:00 pm: Outdoor evangelism and final arrangements with guest speakers

Day Two (Thursday, May 23, 2024)

4:00-6:00pm: Preparation of the church hall and environs

4:30-7:3Opm: Preparations for crusade by the Tiko prayer cell congregation

Day Three (Friday, May 24, 2024)

12:00-4:00 pm: Final preparations for indoor crusade day one

4:00pm-Start of indoor crusade day one

Day Four (Saturday, May 25, 2024)

7:00 am: General sports walk (venue to be determined)

8:30-9:30 am: Handball match (participants to be determined)

10:00 am-12:00noon: Football match (participants to be determined)

12:30-2:30 pm: Preparation of the church hall for day two of indoor crusade

4:00 pm- Start of indoor crusade day two

Day Five (Sunday, May 26, 2024)

9:00 am: Start of Sunday service and CGM anniversary activities

10:00 am: Presentation by Sunday school children

Drama (Propose a presentation by Bro Paolo)

Anniversary animation by CGM choir

Presentation of anniversary magazine

Presentation of anniversary cake

Sharing of anniversary souvenirs (proposal)

Light refreshment.

Written By Andrew Nsoseka

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