Home » New RASCOM Board Chair, Judith Yah Sunday Pledges To Foster Development of Telecommunications in Africa

New RASCOM Board Chair, Judith Yah Sunday Pledges To Foster Development of Telecommunications in Africa

by Atlantic Chronicles

The newly elected Board Chair of the Regional African Satellite Communication Organisation (RASCOM), CAMTEL’s GM, Judith Yah Sunday épouse Achidi has promised to work alongside other stakeholders of the organisation, to achieve the desired results for the African continent, as far as telecommunications is concerned.

She spoke at the end of the 74th Board of Directors meeting of RASCOM, hosted in Cameroon, by the Ministry of Telecommunications, assisted by CAMTEL, where she is the General Manager.

One of the high points of this session, was the election of Judith Yah Sunday as the New Board Chair of RASCOM, a task which she has taken up courageously, promising to push on with the organisation’s mission and to do greater things and reach greater heights, through collaborative work.

“As we close this session, I would like to tell you that I am resolutely committed, alongside the Vice-President and the Director General, to working for the interest of RASCOM and the success of its missions. We have already started discussions on the organisation of the 75th Session of the Board of Directors and the Assembly of Parties, the dates and location of which remain to be confirmed”, she said.

On the future of RASCOM and the way forward, she remains convinced that, “thanks to the synergy of our efforts and our collective commitment, RASCOM will continue to play a leading role in the development of telecommunications in Africa.

“On a purely personal basis, I would like to tell you how proud I am to be the very first woman elected to the presidency of the Board of Directors of RASCOM. It is a great responsibility that I assume with humility and determination, and I am convinced that together we can accomplish great things”.


New RASCOM Board Chair, Judith Yah Sunday and other stakeholders in a group photo at the just ended session in Yaounde

The new Board Chair appreciated the fact that during the session, they were able to examine and approve, with or without amendment, several important documents for the proper functioning of RASCOM; Confirm the full 5-year mandate of Mr Timothy ASHONG as General Director of RASCOM; Proceed with the election of the new President and Vice-President of the Board of Directors.

“To this end, I am particularly honoured to have been elected to the presidency of the Council, and I would like to congratulate Mr. SIAKA Coulibaly, representative of Mali, on his election to the post of Vice-President”, she said, while also thanking the Government of Cameroon, and particularly the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, for the warm welcome and all the facilities made available to us during the RASCOM session.

The CAMTEL GM and New RASCOM Board Chair of RASCOM thanked Member Countries who supported her candidacy, as she wished all a safe trip back to their various destinations.

On their part, the entire Board of Directors of RASCOM delivered a word of thanks, to CAMTEL for graciously hosting the 74th Board of Directors meeting in Cameroon. “The dedication and efforts of the entire CAMTEL team, under the leadership of the Director General, Madam Judith Yaa Sunday Achidi, have been instrumental in ensuring the success of this meeting.

“Madam Achidi, your recent election as the new Chairman of the RASCOM Board of Directors is a testament to your exemplary leadership and commitment. We are confident that under your guidance, RASCOM will continue to achieve great milestones.

“We are deeply appreciative of the excellent logistics and support provided by Camtel, which ensured a seamless and productive meeting. Your hospitality and meticulous planning allowed us to focus on our discussions and objectives, and for that, we are sincerely thankful.

“Thank you once again to CAMTEL, Madam Achidi, and the entire organizing team. We look forward to continued collaboration and success in our future endeavours”, a note from RASCOM’s Board Of Directors read.

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