Home » Mystical ‘Ambazonia Sponsor’ Unmasked, Gov’t Launches Manhunt

Mystical ‘Ambazonia Sponsor’ Unmasked, Gov’t Launches Manhunt

by Atlantic Chronicles

The Government of Cameroon has launched a manhunt for a certain Mbah Germaine Tezoh, the mystical sponsor of separatist activities in Batibo, a municipality in Momo Division, Northwest Region.

The Governor of the Northwest Region, Adolpe Lele l’Afrique, made the disclosure over the weekend, while also unveiling measures the government has taken to dismantle the separatist “gang terrorising the population.”

According to the Governor, one of the separatist fighters arrested after a gun battle at Nyenji, a village in Batibo Sub-division, made several revelations during interrogation, including that Mbah Germaine Tezoh has been providing financial and technical support to the separatist fighters through his younger brother who is a member of the separatist fighters.

“The secessionist indicated that Mbah Germaine is the ring sponsor of terrorism in Batibo. He finances the misguided youths to intimidate the population, carry out kidnappings and even kill others. We shall stop at nothing until we nap the said sponsor and his cronies,” Governor l’Afrique said.

The Governor announced that the government has placed the sum of one million francs as a reward for anyone that will give a clue to getting the said sponsor.


Mbah Germaine Tezoh, wanted by police for alleged secessionist activities

“Anyone that knows the whereabouts or has a clue as to where we can get the said Mbah Germaine and his junior brother, should do well to report to the nearest administrative office, against a handsome reward of one million Francs cash or any form you want it handed to you. Be rest assured that your identity will be hidden for security reasons. I urge the population to cooperate with the defence and security forces so that normalcy can be restored in the municipality and the region,” Governor l’Afrique added.

The administrative authority invited anyone with relevant information to pass by the Governor’s Office at up station or call the hotline: +237 233 334 567

Worthy of note is the fact that Batibo has been a hotspot for fierce battles between Separatist fighters and the defence forces of Cameroon. Splinter factions of the Ambazonian restoration forces have been imposing their activities in the area, putting up a strong alliance against government forces.

Separatist fighters have been fighting with government forces since mid-2017 when the Anglophone crisis deteriorated into an armed conflict. Reports from the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA), say over 10,000 persons have died so far, while many others have been arrested. The report also indicated that over 20,000 persons have fled their homes while over 80 villages have been burnt.

By Donald Pekassa

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