Home » Kumbo Mayor Launches Holiday Classes, Campaign For Return To Normalcy

Kumbo Mayor Launches Holiday Classes, Campaign For Return To Normalcy

by Atlantic Chronicles
Atlantic Chronicles

The Mayor of Kumbo Council, Dr Venasius Mborong, has in a tour in Kumbo, urged denizens to strive for a return to normalcy, for children to return to school, parents to resume their business and agricultural activities, so that Kumbo as a whole, can gain back its fame and prestige as the epicentre of Cameroon’s excellence in education.

The mayor made the pleas during his various stopovers as he drove around Kumbo, sensitising the locals on the need to rethink the option to continue fighting and dying as the days go by. “Human life has been made cheaper than that of goats and chicken in Kumbo” he told the denizens.

“I am telling you, in our Language (Lamnso) that when you set out to do something, and see that it is going on badly, you sit down and evaluate to see if there is a need to insist on doing it. If you set out to wrestle someone, and discover that the person will overpower you, you can call for a break, and schedule it for a different day, if they agree, you go back and prepare. You cannot insist to wrestle when you know that you will be overpowered.

“You don’t catch a lion by using force, you use your intelligence. The Nso man is known for his intelligence, but now, as we speak, when you introduce yourself as someone from Nso, people look at you as someone who is not intelligent. They will ask you what is happening to Nso people, who use to be very clever.

“I know that you are the ones who want peace, and that is why you are here listening, tell our brothers to stop this fighting, talk to them, they are been killed like goats or chicken. Is this the way we like to live? For how long will this go on? Let us leave this fighting, those who started it have left it” Mayor Mborong Venasius told his denizens in Mbveh, the business centre of Kumbo.

He told those in his Council area to desist from the fighting, chastising the fact that even in the communities, people easily turn on each other, fighting and killing one another, as a result of the crisis and bickering that has erupted because of it. He also condemned the act, whereby people are pointed out and marked for killing, as ‘black legs’ on claims that they show the military where to go, claims which he said, are not always true, because they military can go anywhere.

“So I beg you, my people, there are so many things we need to catch-up on. Let us not sleep and forget. I have spoken about the various forms which you will fill to get assisted. There are over five of them, you will have it. I have said it, and I will continue to say it, if you fill it, the government will look at it, and know how best to assist you. Let us fill the forms. We have a saying in Lamnso, that you first need to hold the little that is provided, before waiting or asking for more. Nso use to lead in the production of potatoes, maize, beans but everything has collapsed. We are wallowing in poverty. Let us open our eyes and ask ourselves where we are going.” He said.

Mayor Launches Holiday Classes

As part of his activities to revive Kumbo, in prelude to implementing his development agenda and projects, the Mayor has launched holiday classes for children who have been out of school for years. The Mayor says he is preparing the children and students for school, when the academic year commences.   

Among the Mayor’s first priority concerns to be handled, is the project to collect data, and assist those who have lost documents to re-establish them. The Mayor also states that creating a conducive atmosphere where peace can reign, for schools to resume and development projects commence are some of the immediate tasks on his agenda.

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1 comment

Εγγραφ April 28, 2024 - 9:12 pm

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