Home » BRICS+ International Municipality Forum: Cameroon Ambassador, Alphonse Otsamzok leads 25-Man Delegation

BRICS+ International Municipality Forum: Cameroon Ambassador, Alphonse Otsamzok leads 25-Man Delegation

by Atlantic Chronicles

IMBRICS Cameroon Ambassador, Alphonse Otsamzok

By Etienne Mainimo Mengnjo

IMBRICS Cameroon Ambassador, Alphonse Otsamzok is leading Cameroon’s 25-man delegation to the International Municipal BRICS+ Forum 2023.

The forum to take place from November 9 to 10 in Saint Petersburg, Russia will mark Cameroon’s second participation. Some 56 countries from around the world will be in attendance.

According to information, the annual international event serves as a platform for representatives of councils, regions, and enterprises to discuss economic issues, municipal cooperation, and sustainable development among BRICS member states, as well as other invited countries.

The Forum is a part of the Project of International Municipal Cooperation among the BRICS countries, with its primary mission being to serve as a catalyst for development in the field of international cooperation and experience exchange at the municipal level among BRICS nations.

One of the main goals of the Forum, according to experts, is to establish an economic platform that will bring together investment projects from the municipalities of the BRICS member states. Discussions at the International Municipal Forum of the BRICS Countries revolve around key issues such as the economy, investment, construction, real estate operations, trade, manufacturing, and agriculture.

The Forum provides a platform for participants to establish meaningful connections and foster impactful communication, furthering the promotion of their ideas within the project objectives. The multidisciplinary business programme focuses on the issues of the socio-economic development of the BRICS territories. Russian and foreign statesmen, representatives of business and academic circles will take part in the Forum.

Participants have the opportunity to present their investment projects within the municipality, such as the construction of hotels, sports complexes, and more, to attract funding from Russian and other foreign investors.

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